The Interdependence Project Grievance Policy

IDP understands that conflict and disagreement occur in every community, and we encourage our leadership, teachers, and students to deeply listen to one another with an intention to reconcile and repair misunderstandings and harm. On the rare occasion that a more formal process is necessary, the following grievance procedure is available. Board directors’ contact information is available here

A formal grievance procedure is initiated by submitting a letter of request via email to any Board member that includes:

  • A statement that a formal grievance procedure is requested, including your name and contact information.

  • The name of the person(s) whose behavior the complaint involves.

  • A detailed description with dates and specific details of the alleged behavior.

  • A history of attempt(s), if any, to resolve the complaint through other means.

  • A general statement about the resolution desired.

The Board member who receives the complaint will promptly share it with the rest of the Board of Directors, and generally within no more than 72 hours of receipt. The Board will confirm receipt of the grievance within one week of receipt. It will initiate an investigation of the complaint, which will include:

  • Interviewing all parties involved.

  • Insuring that all parties have a full and fair opportunity to respond to all information – oral, written, or other – gathered by the Board.

When the Board members are satisfied that they have concluded the investigation, they will review and discuss the case. The Board will endeavor to reach a decision by consensus. However, if consensus cannot be achieved, a majority decision will carry, but a minority decision will also be recorded. Within two weeks of a decision(s), the Board will contact the person(s) making the grievance and the person(s) about whom the grievance relates to inform them of the Board’s decision and provide an opportunity to discuss individually. The proceedings and all pertinent documents will be held confidentially, not only for the duration of the proceedings, but in perpetuity, unless disclosure is required by law.

IDP strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against a person who in good faith makes a complaint, raises a concern, provides information or otherwise assists in an investigation or proceeding regarding any conduct that he or she reasonably believes to be in violation of IDP’s Code of Ethics or policies, or applicable laws, rules or regulations.