The Interdependence Project Ethics Guidelines For Teachers and Leaders

Our teachers and leaders share the view of interdependence and recognize their great responsibility to act with decency and compassion in their community and the world. To support this intention, we practice Buddhist ethical principles as detailed below, to create and foster harmony personally, interpersonally, and collectively. We are also committed to ongoing training and development to create a safe and welcoming community for all.

  1. We commit to be of benefit and refrain from causing harm. We understand that every thought, word, and deed have an effect on countless beings, and we vow to cultivate compassionate and wise actions for the benefit of all. This includes respect for other people’s rights and dignity, regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.
  2. We commit to the practice of generosity and refrain from stealing. We will not possess anything that belongs to others and gladly share our time, attention, wisdom, and understanding with our students. We will acknowledge the limitations of our skills and scope of practice, and where appropriate, refer students to seek alternative instruction, advice, treatment, or direction.
  3. We commit to honesty and careful listening, and refrain from divisive and harmful speech. We understand gossip and malicious speech affect individuals as well as the entire community. We agree to speak that which is true and useful, and to hold in confidence what is explicitly told to us in confidence. We agree to develop conscious and clear communication, and to cultivate the quality of loving-kindness and honesty as the basis of our speech.
  4. We commit to practicing respectful and responsible sexual relationships. We understand our roles include protecting the safety and integrity of the individuals, couples, and families in our community. We further understand that:
    1. A sexual relationship is inappropriate between teachers and their students.
    2. Sexual harassment is unacceptable. Sexual harassment is sexual solicitation, physical advances, or verbal or nonverbal conduct that is sexual in nature, that is unwelcome, is offensive or creates a hostile workplace or educational environment.
  5. We commit to the practice of responsible consumption. We practice good mental and physical health through mindful eating, drinking, and consuming. We will not abuse alcohol, drugs, gambling or other products that may potentially cloud the mind. We commit to understanding and respecting the interdependent nature of all beings, including the earth.

Any serious violations of the above guidelines by an IDP teacher or leader may be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors through the Grievance Process by clicking here