Upcoming Events: Lama Rod Owens | Ven. Robina Courtin
+15 minute optional post practice discussion
In a society where we are told to keep going and that we are never enough, it sometimes feels like we can not even catch our breath. IDPs Monday Moments offer a space for you to take a break (from work/teaching/child care) and to come exactly as you are.
Our Monday offerings are to provide a rest and respite, and to help us be present with the busyness of our lives. To be in touch with our humanity, amidst the challenges of daily life is something we can do, especially in community with others.
Start the week off right, cultivating community, developing a humane work culture, and claiming your true self, even during stressful moments.
Andrew Tomasulo is a certified mindfulness teacher (class of 2022 IDP MTT), artist, father, and lifelong student of communication systems. He was drawn to meditation about 20 years ago, after a personal crisis led him to realize that his thinking was making him crazy (well, it still does). In 2004 he enrolled in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Program at the University of Pennsylvania, which began his journey. Following that, Andrew studied in the Dzogchen, Thich Nat Hanh, and Shambhala traditions. He’s also completed trainings in Non-Violent Communication, Systems Centered Trainings, and the Art of Hosting which are all designed to explore our habits, personal and collective styles of communication.